On Tuesday Holly rolled over for the first time! We even managed to get it on film, amazing! After looking through iPhoto I found that Elliott rolled just shy of his 4 month Birthday. Yay, Holly! Here is a quick video of her roll:
We weighed her on Monday and found that she weighs approx. 11 lbs 3 oz. She is so much smaller than Elliott was at her age. He was 15 lbs, I think. You can look
here to compare the two of them. I think Holly looks so similar to Elliott, just a bit more dainty. Holly, like Elliott, got her first real cold right around 3 months. It lasted a little over a week and her voice is still a little scratchy. She has been sleeping really well, usually heading to bed around 8 or 9 pm and sleeping until about 5am to eat, then heading back to bed. No complaints from me!
Elliott continues to amaze me with the things he says. I really need to start writing them down, because he is too funny. Our friend, Tyson, was cleaning house and brought over a huge bowl full of legos for Elliott to have. It is a bunch of space sets from the 80's and Elliott is over the moon. They are pretty much the only thing he plays with right now. He does really well with Holly. Some days he pays her a lot of attention and others it's like he doesn't even know she is there. But, when he does play with her, it is very sweet.
Here are some recent pictures of the two of them.
I think Elliott said to me, "This is Mr. Wubab....I don't want hold Holly...I like Lego's"
Holly is full of smiles now, she is so sweet.
Playdoh is serious business.
(btw, I even allowed Elliott to mix colors - big deal for me!)
Elliott also takes his Pumpkin flavored milk quite seriously.
Sleep deprivation?