Earlier in the month I went to the pumpkin patch with Amy, Caleb and Cameron as well as some girls from a "Mom's Group" I attend on Tuesdays. We got to see a lot of different animals, pick out pumpkins and eat donuts!
In mid-October we drove to Seattle for a baby shower. Dan's sister, Lauren, is expecting her first baby. We are so excited to have a cousin on the Porter side of the family. I brought my camera, but only managed to attempt some family pictures. I think Dan and I look pretty good. The kids, on the other hand....not so great. We'll try again soon.
Holly is a really good baby. I'm not sure if it is because she is #2 and things just seem easier. Or, maybe she is just easier than Elliott was. She is sleeping from about 8 or 9pm until 5am, when she will get up to eat and then go back to sleep until about 8am. Looking back, Elliott had a very similar schedule. We are lucky to have such good sleepers! Holly doesn't mind being on her stomach at all. She will happily play and kick her feet for a few minutes, or until she is tired of holding up her head. In the past week I think she has started some early teething (not expecting teeth any time soon). She will attack some of her toys, or your hand, whichever is closets to her.
Elliott sharing his blanket with Holly and pretending to be asleep. She loves it!
Elliott is his usual self. He is very into playing with Lego's and little cars. It is a daily occurrence that Elliott will dump all his lego's on the floor. We have been trying to teach him how to them pick them up at the end of each day. If he helps enough he can earn a dime! I love that a dime is so worth it to him. He has a very tough streak. He likes to "sword" and "gun" people. He will turn 3 this week!
Making slime on Halloween:
Helping carve pumpkins with Dan:
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