Wednesday, December 3, 2008

One month old - video and photo extravaganza

Elliott is one month old today! He is up to 10 lbs and 9 oz (approximate weight, according to Wii Fit).

Here is Elliott at 4 weeks hanging out on his stomach, having "tummy time". He did some better head lifts, but we weren't filming him.

Elliott brings home his first Christmas tree:

Big head:

Eating after a bath:

Sitting with Great Grandma:

Heads up:

Wild hand:

4 weeks old:

One month old:


  1. Look at those sweet, round cheeks! I love it! :) Happy bday little Elliott!

  2. Forgot to check the blog yesterday...keep those photos and films coming! :-) (Big head required to hold all those brains I'm sure he has.)
