Holly is now 3 weeks old. At her two week Dr. appointment she weighed in at 7lb, 4oz. The doctor said she was doing great. She has been sleeping pretty well for us at night. Sometimes she likes to be awake around 4-5am, which is pretty rough. Thankfully, Dan is able to help me as much as he can. We are also thankful for Dan working at home and all the help he gives us during work hours. I'm glad I'm not completely alone all day! Elliott has been doing great with adjusting to life with a sister. Life is busy with two kids!
Here are some pictures from the last few weeks:
Two Weeks Old:
Dan introduced Elliott to He-Man, and then made him this cardboard sword. Elliott likes to pretend he is He-Man now.
We've been spending a lot of time in the yard. It's easy to entertain Elliott...give him the hose and he will happily water everything...including me!
This is what I saw at Amy's house last week. Elliott said he and Cameron were, "making a party". Basically it's a wheel barrel full of water, bark dust, dirt and bark chips. I think Cameron had already gotten soaked (which is why he has no pants on) and Elliott was in the process. They were thrilled with themselves!
Elliott likes to make this face at me:
And, finally, Holly sleeping so peacefully tonight:
Thanks for the pictures! It's so good to see them and hear a little bit about what you all are doing now that you are a family of four! :-)